Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Streaming 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Online

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

Download 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Full Episode

G - 160 min - Adventure, Mystery, Sci-Fi - 11 April 1968
IMDb Rating : 8.3/10

Director : Stanley Kubrick
Writers : Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C. Clarke
Stars : Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, William Sylvester, Daniel Richter
Greatest Movie of All Time

Instead of writing a paragraph, I'll give four good reasons why 2001 is
the greatest cinema experience of all time:

1) It is a visual Odyssey that could only be told on the big screen.
The special effects that won Kubrick his only Oscar are the most
stunning effects before that age of Jurassic Park and T2. They allow
Kubrick to give an accurate (or at least are the most accurate)
depiction of space travel to date. The silence that fills the space
scenes not only serves its purpose as accurate science, but also adds
to the mood of the film (to be discussed in a later point with HAL).
The fact that Kubrick shot the moon scenes before the Apollo landing is
a gutsy yet fulfilling move. Many have said that upon its original
release, it was a favorite "trip" movie. I can think of no other movie
that has such amazing visuals for its time and even of all time (sorry
Phantom Menace fans!)

2) Kubrick's directing style is terrific. As in all his films, Kubrick
likes to use his camera as means to delve into the psychology of his
characters and plots. His camera is not as mobile as other greats, such
as Scorsese, but instead sits and watches the narrative unfold. Faces
are the key element of a Kubrick film. Like classic movies, such as M
and Touch of Evil, Kubrick focuses on the characters' faces to give the
audience a psychological view-point. Even he uses extreme close-ups of
HAL's glowing red "eye" to show the coldness and determination of the
computerizd villain. I could go on, but in summation Kubrick is at the
hieght of his style.

3) HAL 9000 is one of the most villainous characters in film history. I
whole-heartedly agree with the late Gene Siskle's opinion of HAL 9000.
Most of this film takes place in space. Through the use of silence and
the darkness of space itself, a mood of isolation is created. Dave and
his crewmen are isolated between earth and jupiter, with nowhere to
escape. Combine this mood with the cold, calculated actions of HAL 9000
and you have the most fearful villain imaginable. I still, although
having see this film several times, feel my chest tighten in a
particular scene.

4) The controversial
ending of 2001 always turns people away from this film. Instead of
trying to give my opinion of the what it means and what my idea of
2001's meaning in general is, I'd like to discuss the fact that the
ending serves to leave the movie open-ended. Kubrick has stated that he
inteded to make 2001 open for discussion. He left its meaning in the
hands of the viewer. By respecting the audience's intelligence, Kubrick
allowed his movie to be the beginning, not the end, of a meaningful
discussion on man's past, present, and future. The beauty of 2001 is
that the ending need not mean anything deep, it can just be a purely
plot driven explanation and the entire movie can be viewed as an
entertaining journey through space. No other movie, save the great
Citizen Kane, leaves itself open to discussion like 2001. It is truly
meant to be a surreal journey that involves not only the eye but the
mind. Instead of waiting in long lines for the Phantom Menace, rent a
widescreen edition of 2001 and enjoy the greatest cinematic experience.

Watch free movies 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Official Trailer :

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Download 2001: A Space Odyssey

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